Dear Fellow NCLN members,
In light of travel restrictions and concerns about COVID-19, we unfortunately will be canceling our annual spring workshop for this April.
We are working in providing an online alternative to this face to face workshop to help meet your education (and CEU) needs.
Please keep your eye out for future emails from us regarding this!
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience,
Julie Hinkle, President NCLN
Keynote: Cyber Incivility
by Jennie De Gagne, PhD, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, Professor, Duke University School of Nursing
Cost: $50 Student/$60 Member/$70 Non-Member
Call for Abstracts - Podium deadline extended to 3/6/2020 and
Do you have a presentation that you’d like to showcase? Have you worked hard on a project that others need to hear about? We want to hear from you!
Abstract submission forms and instructions located on the NCLN Website.
Plan early! This is the same week of Wilmington’s amazing Azalea Festival.
If you plan to stay, a list of local hotels can be found here.
Copyright 2018 North Carolina League for Nursing